Monday 9 July 2012

Essay on civil liberties after 9-11

While writing an essay on the civil liberties after 9-11 one could begin by noting that the terrorist attacks carried out on the world trade center unfortunately resulted in the US government decrease some of the civil rights and level of freedom that the founding fathers of the nation had in mind while forming this great nation.

The US government has responded to this tragedy by cutting down on some of the fundamental rights of citizens such as freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and the freedom from unreasonable searches.

The president has not made this situation any easier through his actions of initiating a number of projects aimed at further cutting down some of the freedoms and rights enlisted in the constitution all in the name of security and preventing a similar attack from happening.

Many of the steps that have been adopted by president bush in response to these attacks seem to be giving more problems than offering the solutions for which they were intended for. After the 9-11 incident, the congress overlooked section 1 of the constitution that protected the freedom of speech and prevented discrimination of any kind based on issues such as religions and passed the US Patriot act.

This act made it possible to lock out foreigners who for one reason or the other held opinions contrary to that held by the US government. Moreover, the government made the FISC more powerful.

FISC is a secret court that is not open to members of the public and it is the court where CIA goes when they need warrants on arrest of certain people approved.

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